Working with the Blackstone founder towards a bipartisan solution to the U.S. National Debt.

Working with leading thinkers

Narrative helped the Peterson Foundation launch the Fiscal Summit – the premier bipartisan event series addressing the U.S. Nation Debt and the overall fiscal stability of the nation.

The Work

The rising National Debt threatens the economic future and social bedrock of the United States, but is too often dismissed by Washington as both parties bicker and threaten government shutdown over differences in spending policy.

Narrative joined former Commerce Secretary and Blackstone Founder Pete Peterson in calling for a more fiscally responsible approach to governance, helping Peterson’s $1.2B foundation develop compelling digital marketing channels (website, social, e-mail, online partnerships) and providing event design support for the organization’s flagship event series, the Fiscal Summit. A sister foundation focused on U.S. healthcare spending (and its impact on our financial future) was later launched.

Apart from its issue-based work, Narrative also provided technology consulting and brand design support for the Peterson Family and Peterson Family Office.

The Results